Starting at $90.00

Provide Monthly SEO Service with on page,Off-page,Technical,Local SEO

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Struggling to rank your website above local competitors? I offer a comprehensive SEO service designed to dominate local search results and drive more qualified traffic to your website.

My Service Includes:

In-Depth On-Page Optimization:

Competitor Analysis & Keyword Research: I'll uncover the keywords your competitors are targeting and identify the perfect ones to propel your local business forward.

Compelling Meta Titles & Descriptions: Craft targeted titles and descriptions that grab attention in search results and entice clicks.

Schema Markup for Rich Results: Get your website noticed with structured data that showcases your business details directly in search results.

Strategic Linking: Build a strong backlink profile with high-quality inbound and outbound links from relevant and authoritative websites.

Duplicate Content Elimination: Ensure your website is clean and crawlable with proper canonicalization.

Website Audit & Report: Receive a comprehensive analysis of your website's SEO health, along with actionable recommendations for improvement.

Technical SEO Expertise:

Google Analytics & Search Console Setup: Gain valuable insights into your website's performance and optimize for search engine visibility.

XML Sitemap Creation & Submission: Help search engines efficiently discover and index all your website's important pages.

Robots.txt Optimization: Control how search engines crawl and index your website for optimal performance.

Powerful Off-Page Optimization:

Boost Domain Authority: Build a strong backlink profile through high-quality backlinks from authority sites, increasing your website's overall authority in the eyes of search engines.

Strategic Content Creation: Leverage blog articles and other content formats to attract backlinks naturally and establish yourself as a local thought leader.

Local SEO Optimization:

I'll implement proven local SEO strategies to ensure your business shows up in relevant local searches, driving more foot traffic and conversions.

Benefits of My Service:

Improved Local Search Ranking

Increased Website Traffic & Leads

Enhanced Brand Visibility

More Qualified Customers

I'm here to be your one-stop shop for all your SEO needs. Let's work together to dominate local search and achieve your business goals!

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