Starting at $22.00

Google search console keyword targeted traffic

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Google search console trackable keyword targeted traffic

What will we do ?

  • We will enter your keywords in the search engine
  • We will find your website in the search
  • We will go to the target page
  • We will surf your website

All the traffic is trackable on google analytics and google search console.

Service feature

  • Direct hits from Google on your website during 30 days
  • You can select 1-5 keywords
  • 50-300 hits daily directly from search engine (Depending on the position of your site for a particular keyword)
  • Each session lasts 3 minutes or more
  • Google Adsense risk-free ( even IPs are counted as impressions! )
  • Different IPs and Internet Providers
  • Different browsers and OS
  • Doing
  • human actions on the website (like Scrolling, visiting other web pages
  • of your website, clicking on the elements you specified, etc. )
  • Natural traffic from SERP
  • Lowering of Bounce Rate
  • Increasing of CTR of keyword
  • 50% traffic from the USA and the rest from Europe

Your website should be on the first 10 pages for a particular keyword to do this job.

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