Starting at $15.00

SEO Keyword Research & Competitor Analysis

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Are you looking to optimize your website content for search engines? Let me take care of the keyword research for you!

I will perform in-depth keyword research and competitor analysis to help improve your site's SEO and organic traffic.

What I will do:

Keyword Research

  1. Identify low-competition long-tail keywords related to your business
  2. Analyze search volume, CPC data, and seasonality trends for keywords
  3. Provide a list of 100-200+ optimized target keywords

Competitor Analysis

  1. Identify the top 10 ranking competitors for your target keywords
  2. Analyze their on-page and off-page SEO strategies
  3. Evaluate their website speed, content, backlinks, etc
  4. Determine their organic traffic estimates

Recommendations Report

  1. Suggestions to improve website content, architecture
  2. Ways to earn quality backlinks from high authority sites
  3. Strategies to outperform competitor rankings & traffic

I have 5+ years of experience with SEO and digital marketing. I stay up-to-date on the latest Google algorithm updates. My advanced keyword and competitor research will help you boost your website traffic and rankings!

Please message me if you have any other questions. I'm ready to start on your project right away!

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