Starting at $10.00

I will do provide qualified b2b lead generation business lead, list building, email finder

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I'm Rabby Hasan, a professional researcher and B2B lead generation expert with more than 4 years of experience. I will provide you 100% verified, and energetic quality business leads. I also do Linkedin lead generation, web research, List building & everything related to B2B lead generation.

Some tools as resources for B2B Lead Generation:

LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Apollo, Phantom Buster, Clearbit, Email Finder, Zoominfo, Uplead, Crunchbase,, Full Contact, Rocketreach, etc

Here are the services that I provide on xp Freelancer:

✔️ B2b Lead Generation

✔️ Lead Generation

✔️ Linkedin Lead generation

✔️ B2b Marketing Lead Generation

✔️ B2b Email Marketing

✔️ Lead Generation Specialist

✔️ Lead Generation Expert

✔️ Web research

✔️ List building

✔️ Company Research

✔️ Targeted Lead

✔️ Business Leads

✔️ Lead Generation Sales

I will provide you leads in the following format:

Business Name

Business Website

First & Last Name


E-mail Address (Verified)

Phone number (company phone number if publicly available)


LinkedIn Profile

Business Size

Industry Type

Please get in touch with me before buying the project to discuss the specifics of your project.

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