Starting at $185.00

Do advanced website analysis and provide SEO audit report

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Are you having difficulty getting your website to rank on search engines? Do you wish to uncover what's hindering your website from realizing its full potential? Well, look no further!

I possess SEO proficiency, and I'm willing to offer you a comprehensive SEO audit report that will identify the aspects of your website that need improvement to enhance your rankings, traffic, and conversions.

Technical SEO Audit Include:

one website audit

All pages audit per website

Sitemap Check

deliver your order with a PDF file

Website Index Check

Page speed

Google search console and Analytics check

Redirect & Errors

OnPage S.E.O Audit Include:

Title, URLs

Headings, H1, H2 tags

Meta Description issues

Missing ALT-tags

Broken Links

OFF Page S.E.O Audit Include:

Da & Pa Performance Check

Backlinks Check

Linking Domains

Spam Score

Competitors Analysis (Backlinks)

My audit report is perfect for anyone looking to improve their website's search engine visibility and increase their online presence. So, if you're ready to take your website to the next level,


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